
刚刚读了一个(不知道是谁的)部落格, 发现原来我是"露体狂"和"偷窥狂". 哈哈... 别担心, 因为你也将乖乖的打从心里承认自己是"露体狂"或"偷窥狂"或两者. 原来呢, 在部落格的世界里, 就存在着这种人. 所谓"露体狂"呢, 就是在部落格里写出自己的生活, 感想, 私人想法等等. 哈哈... 想必这种人应该很多吧! 有写部落格应该都是吧, 但有些人都没在写自己的事情, 那他们就不被称之为"露体狂". 而"偷窥狂"你们大概想到是什么了吧. 所谓"偷窥狂"呢, 就是看了别人的部落格(隐私), 就拍拍屁股离开, 没有留言. 这应该占大部分吧..哈... 所以不必觉得不好意思的. 如果你也是的话, 请勇于承认咯! 哈哈...
另外, 加了playlist在部落格内, 我喜欢的歌, 希望你也喜欢喔...


world Economic is facing crisis...

Actually I only realise this few days ago because I seldom read newspaper lol...paiseh.. is my parents told me on the dining table XD. I don't know how serious the problem is. But they said some smaller country or developing country even bankrupt because of this economic crisis. Compare to them, Malaysia is still boleh! lolx... our PM said Malaysia still able to cope with it wo...
The other problem affected by this crisis is the petroleum price. Some think that our petrol price is rising when the price in the market is rising. But now when the price in market is dropping, our country's petrol price is not dropping as in the market, this is not acceptable.
Because of this crisis also, a lot of big company is bankrupt and hence the number of unemployment will increase as well. When a lot of these huge company bankrupt, those people who bought their company's syer thinking that these big company won't bankrupt will also lose a lot. Then the people who is unemployed or bankrupt because of the syer or both will go jump here and there causing the increasing number of suicider lolx. World is changing, technology is improving, but economic is dropping. Haizzz... wan sek gan nan(in cantonese) lo!

-Hope that the storm will stop soon-


好久一段时间没在写部落格了...重出这个"江湖"也没什么特别原因, 只是纯粹想写. 也是因为我只能在夜深人静, 只有我一个人的时候才能写. 哈哈....
简单的说说之前一大段时间到底在干嘛... 准备期终大考, 然后就是大考的两个星期, 期间一个人渡过中秋(因为在考试中, 所以并没回家), 大考完毕, 休息充电了三个星期, 终日窝在电脑前完电动, 也和一些旧朋友聚一聚, 一起唱卡拉, 很开心能和一些好久不见的朋友见面..哈哈... 汗.. 没想到将近三个月的时间, 只用了三行的句子就写完了= ='''
休息了酱久也有想过要打工, 但也只是想, 没有实际行动. 不懂要做什么工, 又好像还没休息够, 就承认了自己是懒惰的. 唉... 难道我永远就败在一个"想"字吗... 哈哈...
好了..就先写这么多, 毕竟重出江湖也得一步一步来啊.

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