失 败 中 掌 握

倒 数 还 有 准 准 一 个 月 的 时 间我 就 得 回 到 原 本 的 校 园 生 活, 继 续 冲 刺 了。 心 情 七 上 八 下, 这 三 个 月 的 假 期 可 能 就 是 我 接 下 来 的 生 涯 里 最 长 的 假 期 了, 再 也 不 会 有 这 么 长 的 假 期 了 。 开 学 就 是 YEAR2 SEM2 了, 课 程 将 越 来 越 艰 难, 压 力 自 然 也 随 着 增 加。 现 在 已 经 有 点 担 心 了, 担 心 无 法 追 得 上,毕 竟 已 经 很 久 没 有 读 书 了, 脑 袋 里 久 违 的 方 程 式 也 已 经 生 锈 了。 突 然 想 念 一 些 好 久 不 见 的 朋 友,一 起 欢 笑,一 起 认 真, 一 起 疯 癫, 一 起 奋 斗,一 起 许 下 的 诺 言, 我 都 还 惦 记 着。 有 人 说, 巨 蟹 座 的 人 最 注 重 感 情, 最 念 旧, 一 旦 种 下 深 厚 友 谊, 就 是 一 辈 子 的 朋 友。

之 前 在 商 场 工 作, 认 识 了 一 些 朋 友, 教 会 了 我 一 些 书 本 里 看 不 到 的 知 识。 我 了 解 了 工 作, 不 只 是 工 作。 曾 经 以 为 只 要 把 自 己 的 份 内 事 做 好, 然 后 拿 薪 水,就 是 在 工 作。 我 明 白 了 在 一 个 工 作 场 合 里, 与 同 事 相 处 融 洽 也 是 一 门 学 问。 第 一 次 工 作, 在 那 里 的 人 际 关 系, 弄 得 一 塌 糊 涂, 最 后 也 已 经 不 想 解 释 什 么 了, 也 离 开 了。 没 错! 我 就 是 在 逃 避, 我 没 有 勇 气 面 对 失 败, 但 我 没 有 遗 憾, 只 会 把 他 当 成 一 种 经 验, 一 个 失 败 的 实 验, 一 个 永 远 的 警 惕。 如 果 说 年 龄 越 大, 人 生 经 验 就 越 丰 富, 那 就 大 错 特 错 了。 在 那 里 认 识 这 个 朋 友, 小 过 我, 只 有 中 四。 虽 然 读 书 没 有 很 好, 甚 至 很 糟 糕, 但 从 他 身 上 可 以 看 到 很 多 人 没 有 的 学 问, 人 际 关 系。 跟 周 围 的 同 事 相 处 融 洽, 上 司 也 很 喜 欢 他。

也 是 他 点 醒 我 的。 我 才 知 道 有 人 在 背 后 说 我 坏 话。 他 用 了 一 个 婉 转 的 方 式, 现 在 想 起 还 觉 得 很 有 趣。 他 先 问 了一 些 关 于 我 的 事, 然 后 问 我 读 什 么 的。 我 就 说 在KL 读 工 程 系。 然 后 就 问 我 ( 中 间 还 卡 了 一 下) :" 你 那 边 的 朋 友。。 会 不 会 好 像。。。 很 LC 酱 的?" 我 顿 时 呆 了 一 下, 那 时 好 想 直 接 问 他 是 不 是 有 人 说 我 什 么。 但 还 是 问 不 出 来, 只 是 装 作 没 事 的 回 答:" 喔。。 不 会 啊。。 都 很 不 错。。 呵 呵。。" 那 时 我 才 知 道 原 来 有 人 在 背 后 这 样 说 我。 我 大 概 知 道 是 谁, 可 是 到 最 后 也 没 有 作 出 任 何 解 释。 或 许 不 多 话 的 我, 加 上 常 常 板 着 脸( 因 为 太 无 聊), 就 变 成LC 的 我。哈 哈。。 我 想 我 永 远 都 会 记 得 这 次 失 败 的 经 历。LOL...

前 两 天 发 生 了 另 外 一 宗 失 败 的 经 历, 话 说 那 天 和 几 位 朋 友 出 去 喝 茶 聊 天, 很 不 幸 的, 我 的 车 轮 竟 然 刺 到 铁 钉, 爆 胎 了! 那 时 已 是 晚 上12 点 左 右。 从 来 没 有 换 过 轮 胎 的 我 根 本 不 知 所 措, 幸 亏 和 几 位 朋 友 一 起, 大 家 就 开 始 动 手 帮 忙 换。 到 最 后 还 是 换 不 成, 就 打 电 话 叫 了 一 个 有 换 过 车 轮 的 朋 友 从 老 远 过 来。 哈 哈。。 真 是 不 好 意 思。 到 最 后 终 于 搞 定 了, 已 是 凌 辰1 点 半 了。 唉。。 总 之 就 是 倒 大 霉。 但 总 算 学 会 换 轮 胎, 也 算 是 倒 霉 中 学 习 吧。 哈 哈。。。 在 此 也 要 感 谢 那 班 虽 然 不 会 换 轮 胎 还 是 尽 力 帮 助 我 的 朋 友。 唉。。 又 一 次 失 败 的 经 历! 好 想 把 我 的 部 落 格 名 字 改 为 "失 败 的 经 历" 喔。。 哈 哈。。 或 许 有 一 天 吧!

好 了, 一 口 气 写 完 之 前 想 写 的。 在 此 祝 那 些 将 开 学 的 朋 友, 开 学 愉 快!

I'm the slave of Money

Today will be my 3rd day of working in the supermarket. I wished to write something in the passed two days which is my 1st and 2nd days of working, but I was too tired to do so. LoL!! Today my working hours will start from 1pm to 10pm. Actually, I would call myself a "stand-er" more than a promoter. Because my job is seriously just standing there. Ohya! I've changed into a GMV section promoter, not a 'back to school' promoter anymore.

So obviously my customer will be only those uncles and some unty that buy for their husband. Honestly, in the 1st day I standing there, I can't even sell out ONE. Then I asked the Indian girl who is also a promoter for other brand that standing in the section next to me. You guess what she told me. She said my brand or my section will close in two weeks time because the sales is too bad. (I was like HARR???) She also told me that the promoter before me is a Malay girl. But is this the reason? haha...(maybe part of it) For me I think the price is not suitable or not affordable for the customer here. Because this supermarket is known as a low price supermarket while the price of the clothes in this GMV section is all above 100 ringgits. An ugly T-shirt with high quality material cost about 140 ringgits. Who is gonna buy this when there is no festival coming soon. haih...

One of the reason I find a job is because I'm too bored sitting at home. And now only I realize its even more bored working as a "stand-er" there. Until yesterday only I sell out 1 T-shirt which cost 109 ringgit and a long pants. For your information, yesterday is Sunday. And I can already imagine how bad the sales can be in the weekdays. haizzZ... "Time really go slow when you are watching it every minutes!" This is what I learned as a "stand-er" there. hahaa...

I'm recently reading this book titled "Rich father, Poor father". It's actually a mandarin edition and I just translate the title directly. XD... I believe some of you may have read this book before. For you who like reading and never read this book before, then I recommend to you. I have not finish yet but I found this book is interesting. The story comes like that. There is a boy who is only 9 years old wish to learn how to be rich from his rich father. For your information, the rich father is not his real father but his friend's father. His real father is the poor one. So at first this rich father want the boy to work for him and pay him a few cents per hour.

Then this boy works for 1 months and started to feel unfair and angry with this low salary job. So he decide to find the rich father to get a higher salary. (And this is the part I like-->) The rich father told him that he is glad that the boy feel angry with this low pay job. He says, "if you accept this low pay salary happily then I won't be able to teach you how to be rich." He also says, POOR MAN WORKS TO GET MONEY, BUT RICH MAN USE MONEY TO WORK FOR THEM. Then he tell the boy, "I have already bring you to see the future. Now you are 9 years old, and you had the experience of WORKING TO GET MONEY. You only needs to repeat what you have done last month for another 50 years, then you will realize what a lot of people done in their life."

This is definitely true. For many people in this world, they are working, get the salary, and then spending, then working again to get money, and spend it. Then when they do not have enough money to use, they will blame their boss. But actually even their boss willing to pay higher salary, the problem is still there. If your boss pay more, you will spend more, and then blame again. Many people do not realize that the problem is not on the boss, is themself. Is because they do not have the knowledge of using money (financial I.Q). The school is not teaching, your parents may not teach, and some people won't understand this for the rest of their life. "If you can't master it, then you will be the slave of it, be in this circle for your whole life."

推 翻“ 高 薪= 致 富” 的 财 富 法 则!

Thinking and waiting can kills

After being lazy and "goyang kaki" at home for around one and a half month, I finally decided to find a job rather than just sitting at home doing nothing beside playing, sleeping, and eating. I admit that I am really a lazy person, but I am not a person that can tahan boring. wahahaa... Some people says, lazy people will always go toilet. I always go toilet too but can't it because of I drink a lot of water? hahaa.. that means people who drinks a lot of water=lazy people! Some says, lazy people will have a longer waist. Oops! I do have a long waist too..LOL! jkjk...

After writing and you have reading so much crap, let me go back to the title. Hmm... I will soon be a promoter in a supermarket. Promoting "Back To School" items like bags, school uniforms, shoes, and etc. Although the salary is not high, but at least better than just sit at home and "goyang kaki" waiting for the money to drop from the sky. Hope that I can do well since this is my first job in my lifetime. Wish me luck!

Hmm...actually before the holidays, I have already planned to find a job in these 3 months time. Until today, if not mistaken, I have already wasted around 1 1/2 months. wahahaa...so proud of you la! So please don't allow urself to waste another 2 months lo...
Obviously I am this kind of person. Always thinking and waiting, always giving excuses, and always give up chances. Always stand besides the door and giving excuses not to open it. That is me, no one can deny that, only I can change that, is just don't know when will this day come.

Time flies, often so quickly that you don't realize it.
When you feel it, there is always a regret.

I like this song, energetic...

Title: I want to save you
Standing on the edge of morning,
scent of sex and New Found Glory
playing as she's pulling back her hair.
She drives away, she's feeling worthless;
used again, but nothing's different.
She'd stay the night but knows he doesn't care.

At home by three;
a deafening quiet.
The porch light's off,
guess they forgot it.
She'd cry herself to sleep
but she don't dare.
And she wants to be a model,
She wants to hear she's beautiful.
She's beautiful.

I want to save you,
I want to save you. (Yeah)
I need you
to save me too.
I want to save you.

Dressed by dawn and out the door,
no lights, she memorized the floors
so she could leave without being detected.
She works till three; it's uniform,
she dreams that he'll come by the store.
She prays for days when boys mean she's protected.

And she wants someone to see her,
She needs to hear she's beautiful.
She's beautiful.

I want to save you
I want to save you. (Yeah)
I need you
to save me too.
I want to save you.

And she won't sleep. (and she won't sleep)
She won't sleep,
and she won't sleep
at all.

I want to save you
I want to save you. (Yeah)
I need you
to save me too.

I want to save you
(Let me save you)
I want to save you
(Let me save you)
I want to save you
(Let me save you)
I want to save you
(Let me save you)
I want to save you


刚刚读了一个(不知道是谁的)部落格, 发现原来我是"露体狂"和"偷窥狂". 哈哈... 别担心, 因为你也将乖乖的打从心里承认自己是"露体狂"或"偷窥狂"或两者. 原来呢, 在部落格的世界里, 就存在着这种人. 所谓"露体狂"呢, 就是在部落格里写出自己的生活, 感想, 私人想法等等. 哈哈... 想必这种人应该很多吧! 有写部落格应该都是吧, 但有些人都没在写自己的事情, 那他们就不被称之为"露体狂". 而"偷窥狂"你们大概想到是什么了吧. 所谓"偷窥狂"呢, 就是看了别人的部落格(隐私), 就拍拍屁股离开, 没有留言. 这应该占大部分吧..哈... 所以不必觉得不好意思的. 如果你也是的话, 请勇于承认咯! 哈哈...
另外, 加了playlist在部落格内, 我喜欢的歌, 希望你也喜欢喔...


world Economic is facing crisis...

Actually I only realise this few days ago because I seldom read newspaper lol...paiseh.. is my parents told me on the dining table XD. I don't know how serious the problem is. But they said some smaller country or developing country even bankrupt because of this economic crisis. Compare to them, Malaysia is still boleh! lolx... our PM said Malaysia still able to cope with it wo...
The other problem affected by this crisis is the petroleum price. Some think that our petrol price is rising when the price in the market is rising. But now when the price in market is dropping, our country's petrol price is not dropping as in the market, this is not acceptable.
Because of this crisis also, a lot of big company is bankrupt and hence the number of unemployment will increase as well. When a lot of these huge company bankrupt, those people who bought their company's syer thinking that these big company won't bankrupt will also lose a lot. Then the people who is unemployed or bankrupt because of the syer or both will go jump here and there causing the increasing number of suicider lolx. World is changing, technology is improving, but economic is dropping. Haizzz... wan sek gan nan(in cantonese) lo!

-Hope that the storm will stop soon-


好久一段时间没在写部落格了...重出这个"江湖"也没什么特别原因, 只是纯粹想写. 也是因为我只能在夜深人静, 只有我一个人的时候才能写. 哈哈....
简单的说说之前一大段时间到底在干嘛... 准备期终大考, 然后就是大考的两个星期, 期间一个人渡过中秋(因为在考试中, 所以并没回家), 大考完毕, 休息充电了三个星期, 终日窝在电脑前完电动, 也和一些旧朋友聚一聚, 一起唱卡拉, 很开心能和一些好久不见的朋友见面..哈哈... 汗.. 没想到将近三个月的时间, 只用了三行的句子就写完了= ='''
休息了酱久也有想过要打工, 但也只是想, 没有实际行动. 不懂要做什么工, 又好像还没休息够, 就承认了自己是懒惰的. 唉... 难道我永远就败在一个"想"字吗... 哈哈...
好了..就先写这么多, 毕竟重出江湖也得一步一步来啊.



写着写着,不知不觉已经离题了,哈哈。。言归正题,上个星期的忙,也总算告一段落,平凡的走完。下星期也是很忙,主要是要应付考试,还有写报告,和两份assignment。其实下星期已经算是比上个星期来的轻松。唉~ 这种忙碌的生活应该会一直持续到大考吧。哈哈。。想起大考后将会有三个月的年终假期,我就会非常兴奋,也觉得现在的忙碌是值得的。到时就是我好好休息充电的时候了。。哇哈哈!
伟大的借口-->休息是为了走更长远的路 ;P





Finally I finished my presentation today. This is not the first time I do a presentation in the lecture hall. Hmm..overall I think is quite not bad. But my friend said my hand was shacking when I was presenting in front. Hahaha.. But for me, my presentation today is better than last time. At least I can still think of the content I wish to talk. I still remember last time I was so panic until my mind was blank and I would just read out the presentaion slide by slide. haizz..
Today is also the meaningless subject(MORAL)'s test. 25 multiple choice questions. So I just pull out my machine gun and tembak... Pang! Pang! Pang!

The lecturer even prepared four sets of test paper so that we can not cheat in the test. So childish.. As my friend said "This is just a moral test, why she make so many things." I really agree on what he said.. =.=''
Anyway this so called 'LAN' subject will not be calculated together with our cgpa. So we only need to pass it. This 'LAN' subject is specially prepare for the student here for some special reason I guess. Don't ask me, cause I also don't know what is the reason.
Is the same thing I want to say, this few weeks I will be really busy, hope I still can cope with it...

A lot of movie I wish to watch after this busy time. Have you watch this movie? -->赤壁,Journey to the center of the earth(3D in MidValley),the Dark Knight ...
This thursday will have another test. But I haven't study at all. So sad T.T

==May be this kind of life is full of pressure, but only this kind of life can grow me and you up.==

>.< Cheer up, friends! >.<









Happy Birthday My FriendS ^^

First of all, today is my birthday as well.
For those who don't know, I am 'informing' you here. ^^

In the title, I mentioned 'friendS' because I did have 3 friends that born in the same day as me. Two of them (which is Kah Ke and Swee Seong) are from my hometown, we are even in the same school from primary to secondary school. We born in the same day and same year which is 22-July-1988. Another one (Edmund) I just know him for a few months. He is my ex-housemate's (Cheah Yin) boy friend. Same day but one year elder than me. hehe...^^

So today I celebrate my birthday together with Cheah Yin and Edmund. We had our dinner at Nandos, Jusco. We took some picture there.I will post it up next time la. haha... Feel so funny when Cheah Yin said this is the first time she celebrate a birthday party that the birthday person is more than the people who celebrate for them. Can you imagine the scene? XD so sweat....==''

At first I am not going to celebrate with them, cause need to take bus to Jusco and I don't wanna be the light bulb there. haha... but then after that Cheah Yin said will treat me drinks there then only I go. hehe^^

=='' She so kedekut still can treat me drinks is very very nice liao you know...wahaha^^So must take this opportunity. kaka...(Better don't let her see this, later she kill me)

Anyway thanks for them celebrate with me lo. And also thanks to those who remember my birthday and wished me especially those 'old' friends. Thanks loh!






T.T >just SICK!< T.T

Feeling like revive from death.
Yes, I am sick from yesterday,
more accurate is from Friday,
because I started to feel sore throat from Friday.
At first I thought it's just because of the food here,
which is full of Ajinomoto,
that can make you feel very very thirsty.

But when I woke up yesterday,
I started to feel headache, and my mouth was like so dry.
After a few hour, I felt my head became heavier and heavier.
I knew I am sick.
So the whole day was only tiredness, nothing I can do at all.
What a waste of Saturday. Zzz..
No mood to eat anything, not feeling hungry at all.
What I ate was only panadols, 100plus, 德安凉茶丸 and some breads. T.T

Anyway, I have recovered after a long night sleep.
As I said, today is always a better day than yesterday,
I feeling better now.
So, don't worry about me especially my family. haha~~
I believe sick is just a part of a human life,
so nothing to be worried, nothing to be scared.


( 其实已经学会看开;P )






damN...Buzy...! Are you Not?!

This few weeks will be very busy.
No, should be VERY VERY busy.
It is always like that,
when you are busy, you will be very busy.
Busy until even no time for breathing. (haha..so exaggerate..)
When you are free, then will be very free.
Free until can watch few drama in one day.

So what actually cause me SO busy?
let me list it out:
1. Programming test is on next Tuesday.
2. Programming assignmant is coming next week.
3. Moral assignment(luckily we have finished it!)
4. Circuit and System assignment(just started)
5. Lab reportS.. still no idea how to do especially energy conversion

I guess these are the reasons that make me busy like hell recently.
Coursework and test.
What can I say?

Cheer up and don't strees urself too much lo,
not only you are busy, everyone around you is also busy.
\\Even an ants is also busy searching for foods everyday..hehe\\

"Don't panic, don't give up, and don't 'pray pray'."
ANYWAY, tomorow I am going back to my lovely hometown, TELUK INTAN.
(I used to call it as HOME SWEET HOME~~)

So, even though tomorow may be busier than today,
^O^ I strongly believe that tomorow will be better than today ^O^

-for the people who love you and who you love
-for the people who hate you and who you hate
=Please, be strong..=

=kc point of view on recent situation=




^O^ 哈哈哈哈。。。




for more information>>

Start of my Journey

Ok. When I start this blog, I wish to start everything all over again.
(Although I know this is not possible in this real world)
Everything start from this point. No regret for the passed.
Just some hope for the future.

I will post some events of my journey from time to time in the future.
Everything or anybody I love or I hate, I 'may' post here.
Who knows? One day you may see your name in my blog. ;)
Anyway, as long as I still write here,
no matter in english or in chinese,
hope you enjoy reading or listening the sound of my blog.

©2009 kc-method.blogspot '10 | by TNB