Feeling like revive from death.
Yes, I am sick from yesterday,
more accurate is from Friday,
because I started to feel sore throat from Friday.
At first I thought it's just because of the food here,
which is full of Ajinomoto,
that can make you feel very very thirsty.
But when I woke up yesterday,
I started to feel headache, and my mouth was like so dry.
After a few hour, I felt my head became heavier and heavier.
I knew I am sick.
So the whole day was only tiredness, nothing I can do at all.
What a waste of Saturday. Zzz..
No mood to eat anything, not feeling hungry at all.
What I ate was only panadols, 100plus, 德安凉茶丸 and some breads. T.T
Anyway, I have recovered after a long night sleep.
As I said, today is always a better day than yesterday,
I feeling better now.
So, don't worry about me especially my family. haha~~
I believe sick is just a part of a human life,
so nothing to be worried, nothing to be scared.
5 years ago
Drink sunrider lemon teh lorr..
take care
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