Really feel like already finished my exam. WooHoo! This is all because my next paper is on next monday. Plenty of time mah. so why don't take a break, and have a chitchat rite.
These few days the weather like so sucks lo. Big hot and big cold. People can easily get sick with this weather. Some of my friends already sick or feel sick. So hopefully everyone can keep themselves healthy la in this exam period. Of course me too!
Here are some tips for you to stay healthy:
1. Buy some oranges to eat or vitamin pills (boost your immune system)
2. Do some regular exercise
3. Sleep early (mostly can not be achieved)
4. Eat healthy food
5. Take some rest
6. Think positively lol
Prevention is always better than cure rite?
5 years ago
why only you tell your method now...:(
haha...It's never too late rite
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